Thu, 27 February 2014
POD POD PODIPODI PDOIFSPLDFKJSDLFJKSDLFJ:SDLFJ GOOOOOOOD POWER!!! GET INTO THE ZONE ZONE ZONE!!! YEEAAHHH POWER POWER POWER!! !SAUCE! Bart and Nick are at it again. They have kungfu secrets. Tap the magic door to get them yourself and becoming a fighting master. HUGS!!!! @thenickcody @bartlol We have shirts and stuff. Tell your friends about us! Spread the joy power. LASER PLASER! Hugs and love babezzzzz |
Thu, 20 February 2014
GO GO GO GO GO GO !!! SUPER POD!! GO GO !! GO GO !! POD POD POD!! GPO GPO FEEL THE science on your bits! THE ENGERY!!! ANIMAL PINGERS!!!! @bartlo @thenickcody -- TWITTER /// INSTAGRAM!!! Guys! Live podcast in Melbourne on the 11th of MARCH!! GET ON IT! |
Fri, 14 February 2014
EAHEKLEJ:LSKJ:LEKJ:ALK!!! GOOSE CHAT!! CLKAJ:LWEKJ:RLKJER LWKEJPOWER RAMP!!! :LKFJW:LFKJWE:LRJ:LE LIFE DANCE!!! FEEL IT! xoxoxo Live POD ON the 11th of March! get tickets! It is selling fast! twitter/instagram @barlol @thenickcody !!! WWWOOOOOWWW |
Wed, 5 February 2014
POwer Gibbon and the wild hipbone of yore. This episode Nick is confronted by an old demon of his past who offers him a dangerous pact. BEcome the most powerful dick wizard in the land at the price of having to become a full vegan for 4 decades. Will he take this deadly demons deal or will he shoot hot loads of gravy into the sky and summon the ancient fint eagle? Find out more from your dream tang. twitter/instragram @bartlol @thenickcody Heaps of shows coming up!!! We will be in your sweet town! Get onto it. ~~~!!! Also live poddy coming in March!!! BOOM BOOM!! GET ON IT ~~ |